'Sesame' recently came to see Dr Andrew as her owner noticed little drops of red tinged urine on the ground and then her going in and out of the litter tray seemingly doing small drops.
A black and white entire male cat estimated to be around 4-6 months old has been found near Piptree Sunnybank Hills at 279 Gowan Road, Sunnybank Hills. He has green eyes and a white patch under his arms and on his chest. The cat isn't microchipped but is super friendly and in good condition.
Please give us a call on (07) 3544 6828 if this is your cat as we would love to reunite him with his owners. We close at 6pm but will reopen at 8am on 13/03.
Edit: thanks everyone for spreading the word, we have found the owner and he is now home! ... 看更多少看
For our clients who have cat’s on medication or have a household that uses medication, there is a recycling initiative all over Australia rolled out in most pharmacies, in particular Chemist Warehouse and My chemist.
The recycling initiative is carried out by Pharmacycle, a blister pack recycling program in Australia that provides an end-to-end recycling solution.
As a clinic that has measures in place to reduce landfill and recycle accordingly we are happy to take empty blister packs for recycling, otherwise most pharmacies across the country have designated recycling bins near their dispensary section.
'Sesame' recently came to see Dr Andrew as her owner noticed little drops of red tinged urine on the ground and then her going in and out of the litter tray seemingly doing small drops.
If you notice your cat showing these signs or their urine has a different shade to it then give us a call on (07) 3544 6828 as this can be caused by many things.
#貓今日 #支援本地 #貓s 1TP5緊急 #本地商業 #貓 #毛茸茸的貓 #貓生活 #貓戀人 #貓s的Instagram #vetsofinstagram #vetsofinstagram #F3 1TP5 猛虎隊 #貓疫苗接種 #可愛貓 1TP5特布里斯班獸醫 #貓s僅有的 #本地 1TP5特蘭科恩 1TP5特布里斯班 ... 看更多少看
!!!!!!!!!!!Found cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A black and white entire male cat estimated to be around 4-6 months old has been found near Piptree Sunnybank Hills at 279 Gowan Road, Sunnybank Hills.
He has green eyes and a white patch under his arms and on his chest.
The cat isn't microchipped but is super friendly and in good condition.
Please give us a call on (07) 3544 6828 if this is your cat as we would love to reunite him with his owners. We close at 6pm but will reopen at 8am on 13/03.
Edit: thanks everyone for spreading the word, we have found the owner and he is now home! ... 看更多少看
Recycling Blister Pack Initiative:
For our clients who have cat’s on medication or have a household that uses medication, there is a recycling initiative all over Australia rolled out in most pharmacies, in particular Chemist Warehouse and My chemist.
The recycling initiative is carried out by Pharmacycle, a blister pack recycling program in Australia that provides an end-to-end recycling solution.
As a clinic that has measures in place to reduce landfill and recycle accordingly we are happy to take empty blister packs for recycling, otherwise most pharmacies across the country have designated recycling bins near their dispensary section.
You can use this link to check whether your local chemist has a recycling bin: www.pharmacycle.com.au/find-a-location ... 看更多少看
🌸 百合對貓有劇毒,如果攝入植物的任何部分或水,可能會導致危及生命的疾病或死亡。
🌹 玫瑰帶有一個看起來很嚇人的刺,你的毛茸茸的朋友可能會踩到或吞食。為了安全起見,請將寵物修剪整齊並放在遠離嬉戲的爪子的櫃檯上。
🍫 巧克力和棒棒糖不是寵物最好的朋友。它們含有甲基黃嘌呤和木糖醇等成分,如果攝入,會引起一系列症狀,如嘔吐、腹瀉,如果不及時治療,在某些情況下還會導致死亡。
🍷 葡萄酒、雞尾酒和啤酒可能會導致寵物酒精中毒,因此請確保玻璃杯無人看管,並且溢出的酒水已擦乾淨。
🎁 禮物包裝是一道吸引好奇目光的風景。好奇的貓和狗可能會嘗試玩耍、咀嚼或吞下絲帶和包裝紙,因此請確保將它們放入垃圾箱。
🕯️蠟燭是情人節的另一個危險。一般規則是不要讓蠟燭無人看管,但如果周圍有動物,則應將蠟燭放在高處,並放在動物爪子夠不到的地方。 ... 看更多少看
百事可樂來為我們做全身檢查、牙科檢查和老年檢查。建議對 8 歲以上的貓進行老年體檢,因為它們正邁入生命的老年階段,這樣可以儘早發現任何老年問題。
我們的老年人體檢包括常規檢查、血液和尿液檢測、血糖檢測和免費血壓檢查(價值 $50)。
如果您擔心您的貓的牙齒有問題,請致電 (07) 3544 6828 預約諮詢,安德魯醫生可以評估您貓的牙齒。
#貓今日 #支援本地 #貓s 1TP5緊急 #本地商業 #貓 #毛茸茸的貓 #貓生活 #貓戀人 #貓s的Instagram #vetsofinstagram #vetsofinstagram #F3 1TP5 猛虎隊 #貓疫苗接種 #可愛貓 1TP5特布里斯班獸醫 #貓s僅有的 #本地 1TP5特蘭科恩 1TP5特布里斯班 ... 看更多少看
這太奶油味了!你們中的一些人可能還記得 Creamy,因為她經常出現在我們的故事中。自從我們上次見到她以來,她已經長大了很多。她最近來看我們,因為她吃得沒有平常那麼多,而且狀態也不像平常那樣。
如果您注意到這些情況,請致電 (07) 3544 6828,我們可以討論您的選擇。
#貓今日 #支援本地 #貓s 1TP5緊急 #本地商業 #貓 #毛茸茸的貓 #貓生活 #貓戀人 #貓s的Instagram #vetsofinstagram #vetsofinstagram #F3 1TP5 猛虎隊 #貓疫苗接種 #可愛貓 1TP5特布里斯班獸醫 #貓s僅有的 #本地 1TP5特蘭科恩 1TP5特布里斯班 ... 看更多少看
我們的工作時間為週一至週五 8 點至 6 點(週二除外),週末 9 點至 11 點。如果您在這些時間之外擔心您的貓,請撥打 (07) 3544 6828 給我們打電話,我們會看看我們能做些什麼。
#貓今日 #支援本地 #貓s 1TP5緊急 #本地商業 #貓 #毛茸茸的貓 #貓生活 #貓戀人 #貓s的Instagram #vetsofinstagram #vetsofinstagram #F3 1TP5 猛虎隊 #貓疫苗接種 #可愛貓 1TP5特布里斯班獸醫 #貓s僅有的 #本地 1TP5特蘭科恩 1TP5特布里斯班 ... 看更多少看
為了感謝我們的客戶和粉絲在開業 9 個月以來的支持,我們為您準備了一份贈品 ❤️
🐈追蹤我們的 Instagram 👉🏻 1 篇
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報名截止日期為 2 月 6 日。得獎名單將於 2 月 7 日公佈。
#貓醫生布里斯班 #貓維特 1TP5 猛虎隊 #catsofinstagram #catsofinstagram 1TP5電視獸醫 1TP5電視獸醫索芬斯塔格拉姆 1TP5特布里斯班獸醫 1TP5特蘭科恩獸醫 1TP5特布里斯班卡特維特 #catsonly 僅限 #cats #F3疫苗 #貓維特布里斯班 #貓醫生 #可愛貓 #貓疫苗接種 #貓維特朗科恩 #F3布里斯班 #愛貓者 1TP5特布里斯班 1TP5特布里斯班獸醫手術 #catonly診所 #毛寶寶 #本地商業 #本地 1TP5特蘭科恩 ... 看更多少看
我們目前庫存 F3、FIV 和狂犬病疫苗,以確保您的貓咪全年受到保護。請立即致電 (07) 3544 6828 為我們的團隊預訂您的貓咪。
#貓今日 #支援本地 #貓s 1TP5緊急 #本地商業 #貓 #毛茸茸的貓 #貓生活 #貓戀人 #貓s的Instagram #vetsofinstagram #vetsofinstagram #F3 1TP5 猛虎隊 #貓疫苗接種 #可愛貓 1TP5特布里斯班獸醫 #貓s僅有的 #本地 1TP5特蘭科恩 1TP5特布里斯班 ... 看更多少看